Lend Your Voice. Become a CASA Volunteer | CASA Arizona
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Be their hope.
Be their hero.

As a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) volunteer, you’ll be helping an abused and/or neglected child feel safe and be treated with respect and dignity until the child finds a permanent, loving home. And you may well be the one and only consistent person in their life.

The need is real and urgent.

Sadly, the number of Arizona children in need greatly exceeds our number of CASA volunteers. This number fluctuates constantly depending on calls coming into the DCS Hotline as well as cases that are closed.

  • 1 AZ DCATS Master Volunteer List – 10/29/2021
  • 2 AZ DCATS Master Case List – 10/29/2021
  • 3 DCS FY21 Monthly Operational Outcomes Report – October 2021

Make a forever difference.

Multiple studies have shown that children who have experienced abuse or neglect fare better with a CASA volunteer by their side. Not just now, but forever. Having a caring, consistent adult to listen and put a child’s best interest before all others’ can make all the difference.
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Wherever you live, there’s a life you can change.


CASA volunteers are needed across Arizona. Select the county where you live to learn more.
Do you or someone you know want to volunteer in another state? Visit NationalCASAGAL.org
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The making of a hero.

Becoming a hero to a child desperately in need of love, support and protection is easier than you may think.

Here’s all we ask:

  • Be at least 21 years old and a US Citizen or legal resident
  • Allow a thorough background check, provide references and participate in an interview
  • Complete a minimum of 30 hours of pre-service training
  • Be available for court appearances (advance notice will be given)
  • Commitment to remain a CASA volunteer until your child’s case is closed

Help us spread the word.

Please download the image below and share on social media or via email to inform others how they can make a forever difference as a CASA volunteer.